Happy New Year
Welcome back to our new Spring Term in Willow Class. This term is another very busy one full of lots of learning opportunities.
The children will be starting swimming lessons every Monday morning until the end of the year. Please ensure that your child brings appropriate swim wear, including swim hats for long hair and a towel. This will replace one PE lesson and the other PE lessons this term will be Striking and Fielding sports.
English this term will begin with a very exciting book called Viking Boy by Tony Bradman. It ties very nicely into our History topic The Vikings. We have already been excited to learn about Yggdrasil and Viking Long Boats.
Maths will be developing our skills in Multiplication and Division, working towards the formal written methods, before learning about Length/Perimeter and then Fractions, finishing with Decimals in the lead up to Easter.
Learning about Art Deco will be our Art focus before moving onto motors, wheels and pulleys in DT after half term.
Science this term will be all about Teeth & Digestion, Food Chains and Predators & their Prey.
Mrs Butcher will continue to develop the children’s musicality and Sikhism will be the focus in her RE lessons. Mrs Johnson will be focusing on numbers and shopping before moving onto body parts.
Thank you for all of you who support your children with their weekly homework. Being a mum of two children, and working full time, I am aware of how precious time is which is the reason why I do not set a lot of homework. Your children absolutely need to be reading every single day – it is a life skill – and they should be recording themselves reading fluently twice a week. The maths homework I set is always linked to our maths topic in school and ensure children have time to practise and become more fluent in maths.
Forest School Autumn 2024
Click to access Year-4-Curriculum-Map-2024.pdf
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