School Uniform

 We are proud of our school and our children and we therefore promote a high standard of presentation in our school environment and the children who attend it.

Please ensure all items are named.

Winter Uniform (Autumn & Spring Term)

Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore

Green V necked jumper/cardigan

White short/long sleeved  shirt

Green/yellow school tie

White/grey/green socks/tights

Black shoes (no boots)

Summer Uniform (optional)

Grey trousers/shorts/skirt

Green checked summer dress

Green cardigan/sweatshirt

Y6 Leavers Hoodies

Polo Shirt

White/grey/green socks/tights

Black shoes (no open toe sandals)

PE Kit

Team coloured PE T-shirt, Black shorts, Black pumps

Trainers (outdoor PE only)


  •  Small ear studs are acceptable but should not be worn for PE (please remove on PE days or wear retainers where necessary)
  • Watches may be worn


  •  Hair should be in an appropriate style and of natural colour for school.
  • Long hair should be tied back
  • Accessories should be of appropriate size, style and colouring to match the hair or uniform.

Uniform can be purchased from any clothing retailer or supermarket provided. To find out more about uniform with the school logo please click below for our uniform provider, including their website, where you can order.