We are committed to improving PE and school sport for our young children. Following the success of the last three years, the government has announced that they are planning to double the sports premium funding from September 2017.  This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sports in schools.

We work closely with local partners to:

  • Improve every child’s experience of PE(curriculum)
  • To increase opportunities for competition against selves and others
  • Increase physical activity for all young people and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

We are very proud of how fit and healthy our children are, as they already have so many opportunities at our school to take part in daily physical activity and learn about healthy lifestyles. We want to make our provision even better using the School Sports Premium.

Schools must use this funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and support they offer.

Sports Premium Plan 2024-2025

Sports Premium Plan 2023-2024

Sports Premium Plan 2022-2023

Sports Premium Plan 2021-2022

Sports Premium 2020

Click on the link below for further information……

DFEE Guidance for Sports Premium in schoolsDo