Extra Curricular Clubs 

At Strike Lane we are excited to once again offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs for our children.

We believe that offering a variety of clubs enriches students experiences of school and makes a strong contribution to pupil’s excellent personal development and wellbeing.

Education beyond the classroom adds colour, excitement and perspective to the curriculum. Throughout the school year, we will be offering a wide range of challenging and exciting activities.

Each half term we will share with you an updated timetable of clubs which will be run both by teachers and teaching assistants in school as well as external coaches and organisations too.

Our aim is to provide opportunities for children of all ages to explore their passions and interests whilst finding something new and challenging too.

Below you will find an overview of the clubs that are and have been made available. As the year progresses, some clubs continue whilst there will be new clubs added for children to join and experience. These include clubs such as football, netball, dodgeball, multi-skills, cheerleading, streetdance, tennis, rounders, cricket, hockey, art club, choir, garageband, recorders, gardening, first-aid and well-being.

Please find a timetable for our school clubs here

Clubs Spring 1 2024

Clubs Autumn 2 2023

Clubs Autumn 1 2023