Why Choose Strike Lane?

 About our school:

Strike Lane Primary School is a community school which provides all-round educational opportunities for the children of Freckleton and the surrounding areas including Warton, Kirkham and Wesham. The school first opened in 1965 to support the growth of the local community and continues to give a warm welcome to all its pupils. The school has grown over the years and since 2012 it has become a one form entry school. We have extensive school grounds which incorporate a large playing field, a pond, raised beds for each class, amazing outdoor learning areas and exciting play equipment on both our Keys Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 playgrounds. Whilst we are keen to maintain our friendly, family feel to the school we are also committed to ensuring our children have the ambition and key skills to succeed in the fast pace developments of the 21st century. We embrace the most recent research and ICT to provide the highest quality teaching and learning experiences for our children in order to prepare them for the wider world.

Why Strike Lane?

  • A caring, family atmosphere where safeguarding is of the highest priority
  • A commitment to high expectations of all our community
  • Wonderful surroundings to enrich and broaden your child’s experiences and education.
  • Focused use of digital technology to support the independent learning and progress of children through our commitment to providing 1-1 learning devices for all Y1 – Y6 children by 2022.
  • Fantastic involvement with our community e.g, Club Day, Freckleton in Bloom, Rotary Awards.
  • Privately managed Blue Bear Nursery & Pre School on the grounds, which provides full day care for children aged 6 months to 5 years.
  • Wide range of extra-curricular activities and inter school sports events.
  • Breakfast & After School Club provision.
  • An exciting and stimulating curriculum to meet the needs & interests of our children.
  • Fantastic opportunities for all-round attainment and achievement for pupils.

Extra-Curricular Activities:

  • Sporting clubs such as: Football; Badminton; Netball; Multi Skills; Tag Rugby; Tri-Golf; Ju-Jitsu and Dance.
  • A wide range of other clubs eg: Eco Club; ICT; Gardening; Singing; Arts & Crafts; French; Science Investigations; Guitar; Media; Den Building; Cooking; Drawing; Colouring
  • Breakfast Club opens from 7:40am to 8:50am and After School Club from 3:25pm – 5:45pm.

Our Achievements:

In recent years we have gained our Third Green Flag, Fairtrade Award, North West in Bloom awards, Investors in Pupils Award, Arts Mark Silver Award, Primary Quality Mark award and Gold Behaviour Quality Mark.

We produce amazing performances by Reception and Key Stage One children at Christmas; a Year Three, Four and Five production in the Spring Term and an end of Year 6 production in the Summer.

We have an active School Council and Eco Council who help to improve opportunities and the environment for all our children.

An exciting enrichment curriculum which links a range of stimulating experiences for each child to support their learning throughout their time with us at Strike Lane.

Our current Strike Lane iPad Scheme has enabled us to ensure all children in Key Stage 2 will have access to individual iPads throughout the school day. This supports learning and ensures that children can collaborate effectively with the teacher and their peers to review and improve their work during lessons as teachers feedback in real time. Learning and skill development can also continue at home following the child’s own interests.

Our links with the community:

  • Active participation in local events such as Club Day, Horticultural Show, Freckleton & North West in Bloom and singing at local residential homes.
  • Our choir sing at local community events and entertain the residents at local care homes.
  • Whole school assemblies which celebrate achievement within school and the wider community.
  • Active Friends of Strike Lane School who organise many events such as Discos, Bingo, DVD Nights, Casino Nights and many more.
  • Parents and the community are regularly invited into school each term for class assemblies, progress cups and open days.
  • Monthly contributions to the parish newsletter with diaries of events and achievements in school.
  • Blue Bear Nursery & Pre School open 5 days a week for children aged 6 months to 5 years.

Visits to our school are warmly welcomed at any time. If you would like to visit the school please contact the Bursar to arrange an appointment.

We look forward to inviting you into our school.