Strike Lane Primary School is committed to reducing the barriers to sharing in school life and learning for all its pupils. Our ‘Managing Medicines’ policy sets out the steps which we take to ensure full access to learning for all our children who have medical needs and are able to attend school.

So that children who require medicines receive the support they need, and that we work within approved guidelines, we follow guidance from the DfES publication, Managing Medicines in Schools and Early Years Settings- DfES/Department of Health 2005.

If medicine must be administered during the school day, parents / carers must provide full written information about their child’s medical needs – a form is available to complete.

If a child is responsible enough to carry a particular medicine eg an inhaler, permission from a parent/carer is required.

Regarding prescription medicines, please note:

  • Parents / carers should if possible administer dosages outside of the school day eg if there are three dosages per day, one first thing, one on return home and one at bedtime.
  • We will only accept medicines which are essential; that is, where it would be detrimental to the child’s health not to have the medicine during the school day.
  • We will not administer medicines that have not been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse prescriber or pharmacist prescriber, unless it is done as part of an individual Health Care Plan. We can inform parents of this policy.
  • Medicines should always be provided in the original container.

Please refer to our policies page