Here you can find, links, info and photos of what we have been up to in school.

W/B 2nd November 2020

We hope you had a good half term and are looking forward to working hard at home for a week before coming back to us. We miss you already.

HERE you will find information about helping your child with their home learning

W/B 28th September 2020

A busy week this week with Bake Offs, bikeability and crazy hair styles

Click HERE to see a video of all our amazing bakes. 

Our wonderfully creative year 6 crazy hair styles!!

Year 4 – Fun Run

Oak class’s amazing crazy dos

Running fast and looking great Beech Class


Year 5 had a fantastic time learning how to ride their bikes out on the road! There were many comments made about was lovely polite children we have at Strike Lane; well done Sycamore class.