Entry into Reception class
Applications for places are submitted to Lancashire County Council. It is their policy to handle all questions and issues arising; schools remain neutral in this process.
We have one intake each year, at the start of the Autumn Term. Reception pupils are normally admitted to school in the September following their 4th birthday. Prospective parents are most welcome to make an appointment to look around our school or to visit on an Open Day. Where this is not possible a virtual tour will be made available on the school website.
Applications for Primary School places can be made from the 1st September 2022 with the final date being 15th January 2023. Places are allocated in April and we have a maximum intake of 30 children. For any families who are not allocated their first choice of school an appeal can be made with Lancashire County Council https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/children-education-families/schools/appeal-against-an-admission-decision/primary-school-appeals/
Once our intake has been confirmed, we will contact parents/carers to inform them of our Induction procedures . In the Summer Term before the September start, parents are invited to an Open Evening to find out more about how we work and ask any questions they might still have. This meeting also gives parents the opportunity to meet and talk with the Reception class teacher and Teaching Assistant as well as other support staff. Soon after, children are invited to visit the Reception class for short visits. Our Reception staff spend the first week of the return to school carrying out home visits to all families to ensure that adults and children have any questions they have answered fully and to begin establishing a strong and successful relationship
Entry into Years 1 – Years 6
Parents of older children, moving into the area, are welcome to make an appointment to visit the school and to discuss admission with the Headteacher. An application must then be made via In year admissions – Lancashire County Council. Parents must then inform the Headteacher of the current school. Lancashire admissions will acknowledge receipt of applications and write to parents with the outcome within a maximum of 15 school days.