Year 3’s trip to Imagine That

Year 3’s trip to Imagine That

Here is our first interview!!! A few members of Year 3 were asked to talk about what they enjoyed on their recent visit  What did Year 3 Enjoy about Imagine That? Enjoy. Thank you to everyone involved with the organisation of the trip and all those who went with Year...
Meet our Interviewers

Meet our Interviewers

In line with our rebrand as an interview and news channel we want to introduce ourselves so you know who to come to if you have any news. Also if you are in years 4, 5 or 6 and would like to join our team or have ideas for posts, please contact Mrs Hall or any of...
Blog rebrand

Blog rebrand

Our bloggers have been working hard for a few years to create blog and vlog posts to engage students, pupils and potential new starters. However, we’re not sure it has reached enough people so we are trying something new. Interviews! We will be keeping on top of...